Garden Maintenance Tips to Prepare For Winter
Winter is almost upon us and we realise that that soon the frost and snow will be here. You may think this is the ideal time to forget the garden for now and just sit back and wait for spring. But you’re so wrong. What you need to do now more than ever is undertake garden maintenance for winter, but how?
Furniture, Plastic or Timber
You may have furniture in your garden, so it might be a good idea if you put this somewhere where it’ll have some protection. It can be in the loft, shed, or if you don’t have somewhere to store it, cover it with something, tarpaulin, or strong plastic if you have any. You’ll need to tie them down securely, so they don’t blow off. If you have outdoor furniture made of timbre, then hopefully you will have treated it, so it can withstand the weather.
Gutters and Drains
Hopefully you will have had your gutters and drains checked, or you will have checked them yourself. If they’re working okay, then hopefully most leaves and debris will be washed away. Having said that, you might want to carry on clearing out your gutters to make sure you don’t get any blockages, which in turn could cause leaks.
You’ll have some wildlife in your garden, birds especially and they’ll be grateful for any snacks they can find. Therefore, leave your plants alone so they can get at the seeds. Put up some bird feeders if you can, now is the time. Birds will need that extra little bit of help once the ground is hard with frost.
Treat Your Decking and Fencing
Use preservatives and treatments for your decking and fencing and any sheds you may have. Wait until it’s dry and then paint anything that’s made of wood that’s exposed to the elements.
Don’t Dig
Try to avoid any digging, allow the soil to rest and it’ll be safe until spring, it’s better not to disturb it now, it can be nourished naturally and there should be no reason for you to start digging until early spring.
Brian’s Garden & Fencing Services – Premier Gardeners in West Lothian
We have a team of experienced garden maintenance experts in West Lothian who pride themselves on their vast range of experience in these areas, this makes us best at advising and guiding all our customers. If you have any questions about what we’ve discussed today, if you have any queries on how to make sure your garden is ‘winter ready,’ get in touch and one of our team will be more than happy to advise you.